Welcome to ALG-ALL-CODE-Macro
Large-scale macroalgal sequencing
Large-scale macroalgal sequencing
Macroalgae are multicellular eukaryotic organisms and major benthic primary producers with special adaptations to their environment. Although these algae are sources of food, nutraceuticals, and cosmetic-based products, they remain understudied at the genomic level, with less than ten macroalgal genomes publicly available. To address this gap in available sequences, similar to our completed microalgal genome sequencing project, we have initiated a large-scale macroalgal sequencing project, herein referred to ALG-ALL-CODE-macro, and sequenced 123 genomes from different climatic regions, including the UAE. This way we are increasing by 1,230% the global macroalgal genome library, while in our aims is to describe and cataloge the UAE macroalgae in addition to sequence and analyze their genomes. We also plan to cultivate candidate macroalgal species from the UAE at pilot-scales and define their nutritional contents. The culture collection centers in SAMS - CCAP, Scotland, UK and Bigelow, Main, USA are two of our international collaborators who provided the macroalgal cultures from around the world; SAMS – 73 and Bigelow – 39. Our local collections together with the Marine Biology Lab, NYUAD, UAE yielded 9 macroalgal samples that we enriched with herbarium specimens and underwater photos of their habitats. This study is a contribution to the UAE macroalgal biodiversity that has been so far unknown. To enhance the geographical representation of the project we established a collaboration with the Red Sea Research Center - KAUST, KSA and will include macroalgal species from the Red Sea.
Macroalgal herbarium preparation